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innovation bank

  • 1 инновационный банк

    Русско-английский словарь по экономии > инновационный банк

  • 2 инновационный банк

    1. innovation bank


    инновационный банк
    Разновидность коммерческого банка; он специализируется на финансировании и кредитовании инновационных проектов, т.е. различных научно-технических новшеств, разработок — начиная от проектирования, создания опытного образца до массового производства.
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > инновационный банк

  • 3 банки

    1. banks


    Денежно-кредитные институты, регулирующие платежный оборот в наличной и безналичной формах. Под банком понимается «кредитная организация, имеющая право привлекать денежные средства физических и юридических лиц, размещать их от своего имени и за свой счет на условиях возвратности, платности, срочности и осуществлять расчетные операции по поручению клиентов» [1]. Впрочем, это определение не является ни единственным, ни общепризнанным. Банк рассматривается как торговое предприятие (торгующее деньгами), кредитное учреждение, агент биржи, организация, предназначенная для осуществления денежных расчетов и платежей. Но, по-видимому, при том, что банки действительно выполняют все эти многообразные функции, все же надо выделить их главное предназначение: служить финансовыми посредниками, аккумулирующими временно свободные денежные средства населения и фирм (как “конечных кредиторов”) и передающими их в виде кредитов заемщикам, получающим таким образом возможность реализации своих коммерческих и инвестиционных проектов. Иными словами, они превращают бездействующие накопления в функционирующий капитал. Б. — основа кредитно-банковской системы, которая в разных странах строится по-разному. В большинстве из них она возглавляется центральным эмиссионным банком, ответственным за регулирование денежного обращения в стране, поддержание стабильности национальной валюты как на внутреннем рынке, так и по отношению к другим валютам. Эти цели достигаются с помощью трех основных инструментов кредитно-денежной политики: учетной ставки, норм обязательных резервов (см. Резервные требования), операций на открытом рынке. Нижний уровень кредитно-банковской системы составляют коммерческие банки и разного рода специализированные кредитные и финансовые учреждения. Б. являются элементами ряда макроэкономических моделей, хотя в целом в науке существует жесткое разделение экономических явлений на “реальный” и “финансовый” секторы экономики — это называется классической дихотомией. В самой банковской деятельности экономико-математические методы (в частности, эконометрические модели) применяются в таких областях, как прогнозирование объемов активных операций, депозитов, величины банковских процентов, объема денежной массы. В инвестиционной деятельности, когда дело идет о рациональном распределении капитальных вложений, Б. используют модели межотраслевого баланса, линейного программирования • Некоторые виды банков: Банк инвестиционный (Investment bank) банк, специализирующийся на операциях с ценными бумагами, финансировании и долгосрочном кредитовании различных отраслей хозяйства; занимается продажей корпоративных акций и облигаций. Плата за услуги составляет разницу между суммой, уплаченной банком фирме (эмитенту), выпустившей ценные бумаги, и суммой, полученной за них от покупателей. Банк инновационный (Innovation bank) коммерческий банк, который специализируется на финансировании и кредитовании инновационных проектов, т.е. различных научно-технических новшеств, разработок, начиная от проектирования, создания опытного образца до массового производства. Банк ипотечный (Mortgage bank) банк, выдающий под залог и под определенный процент долгосрочные кредиты на покупку определённого товара (например, дома) с рассрочкой в несколько лет и правом передачи его выплаты наследникам. Б.и. также занимается скупкой и размещением ипотечных закладных, которые попадают в банк либо напрямую от физических и юридических лиц, либо, что в мировой практике встречается чаще, от строительных компаний и агентов по продаже недвижимости. Банк коммерческий (Commercial bank; business bank) универсальное кредитное учреждение, создаваемое для привлечения денежных средств и размещения их от своего имени на условиях возвратности и платности.Подробнее см. Коммерческие банки. Банк международных расчетов(Bank of international settlements) межгосударственный банк, проводящий коммерческие операции для центральных банков и участвующий в организации международного валютного сотрудничества. Банк развития (Development bank) специализированный национальный или многонациональный инвестиционный кредитно-финансовый институт государственного или смешанного типа, предназначенный для кредитования крупных программ структурных экономических преобразований в отдельных странах. Российский банк развития создан с целью консолидировать государственные и частные средства для поддержки экономической политики Правительства РФ, обеспечения структурных изменений в национальной экономике, модернизации предприятий, содействия инновациям, повышения качества и конкурентоспособности отечественных товаров на внутреннем и мировом рынках. Банк уполномоченный – см. Уполномоченный банк. Банковская гарантия (Bank guarantee) - способ обеспечения исполнения обязательств. Банк, иное кредитное учреждение или страховая организация (гарант) дают по просьбе другого лица (принципала) письменное обязательство уплатить кредитору принципала (бенефициару) в соответствии с условиями даваемого гарантом обязательства денежную сумму по представлении бенефициаром письменного требования о ее уплате. Б.г. явлилась одним из элементов тех мер, которые были связаны с преодолением последствий глобального кризиса, начавшегося в 2008 г. Применяется в России, Англии, других странах. [1] Финансово-кредитный энциклопедический словарь. М.: «Финансы и статистика», 2002. С.64.
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > банки

  • 4 акционерный инновационный банк

    Banks. Exchanges. Accounting. (Russian-English) > акционерный инновационный банк

  • 5 Finanzinnovation

    Finanzinnovation f BANK, FIN, WIWI financial innovation
    * * *
    f <Bank, Finanz> financial innovation

    Business german-english dictionary > Finanzinnovation

  • 6 Europäische Agentur für Gesundheitsschutz und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz

    Europäische Agentur für Gesundheitsschutz und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz
    European Agency for Health and Safety at Work;
    Einheitliche Europäisch Akte (EEA) (Europäische Kommission) Single European Act (SEA);
    Europäischer Aktionsplan zur Förderung von Innovationen European action plan to promote innovation;
    Europäisches Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF);
    Europäisches Amt für humanitäre Hilfe European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO);
    Europäische Arbeitnehmerrechte European employee rights;
    Europäische Atomenergiegesellschaft (EAEG) European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM);
    Europäischer Ausrichtungs- und Garantiefonds für die Landwirtschaft (EAGFL) European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF);
    Europäische Auszeichnungen für Umweltqualität European awards for environmental quality;
    Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBWE) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD);
    Europäische Bankenvereinigung European Bank Federation (EBF);
    Europäische Beschäftigungs- und Sozialpolitik European employment and social policy;
    Europäische Beschäftigungsstrategie European employment strategy;
    Europäischer Betriebsrat European works council;
    Europäische Binnentransportorganisation European Central Inland Transport Organization;
    Europäischer Börsenindex Eurosyndicate index;
    Europäischer Bürgerbeauftragter European Ombudsman;
    Europäische Einigung European integration;
    Europäischer Entwicklungsfonds (EEF) European Development Fund (EDF);
    Europäische Exekutiven European executive bodies;
    Europäischer Fonds European Fund (EF);
    Europäischer Fonds für Regionalentwicklung (regionale Entwicklung) (EFRE) European Regional Development Fund (ERDF);
    Europäische Forschungsinfrastrukturen European research infrastructures;
    Europäisches Forschungsinstitut für Raumordnung und Städteplanung European Research Institute for Regional and Urban Planning;
    Europäische Forschungsprojekte European research projects;
    Europäische Freihandelszone (EFTA) European Free Trade Association (EFTA);
    Europäischer Führerschein European driving licence (Br.) (license, US);
    Europäisches Fürsorgeabkommen European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance;
    Europäischer Gedanke Europeanism;
    Europäische Gemeinschaft European Community (EC);
    Europäische Politische Gemeinschaft (EPG) European Political Community;
    Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl European Coal and Steel Community;
    aus Kreisen in der Europäisch Gemeinschaft verlautet (EU) Community sources say;
    gegen Anordnungen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft verstoßen (EU) to contravene Community regulations;
    der Europäischen Gemeinschaftsorganisation beitreten to enter into the European Communities;
    Europäische Gemeinschaftsregion Common Market territory;
    Europäisches Gericht erster Instanz European Court of First Instance;
    Europäischer Gerichtshof (EuGH)European Court of Justice (ECJ);
    Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte European Court of Human Rights (ECHR);
    Europäischer Gesamtdurchschnitt overall European average;
    Europäische Gesellschaft für Physik European Physical Society (EPS);
    Europäischer Gewerkschaftsbund (EGB) European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC);
    Europäisches Gipfeltreffen des sozialen Dialogs European Social Dialogue Summit;
    Europäisches Gleichstellungsrecht European equal opportunities legislation;
    Europäische Gleichstellungsrechte European equal opportunities rights;
    Europäische Grenzregion Europe’s border region;
    Europäische Identität stärken to reinforce the European identity;
    Europäischer Informationsdienst für den lokalen Verkehr European local transport information service (ELTIS);
    Europäische Integration European integration;
    Europäisch wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG);
    Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) European Investment Bank (EIB);
    Europäische Kernenergieagentur (EKA) European Nuclear Energy Agency (ENEA);
    Europäisches Komitee für Normung European Committee for Coordination of Standards;
    Europäischer Kommissar European Commissioner;
    Europäisch Kommission für Menschenrechte European Commission of Human Rights;
    Europäische Kommunalkonferenz European Conference of Local Authorities;
    Europäische Konferenz der Verwaltungen für Post und Telekommunikation European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations;
    Europäisches Landwirtschaftsmodell European model of agriculture;
    Europäische Marktordnung European Market Regulations;
    Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK) European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), European Rights Convention;
    Europäisches Niederlassungsabkommen European Convention on Establishment;
    Europäische Normung European Standards;
    Europäische Organisation von Marktforschungsinstituten European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR);
    Europäische Organisation für Raumforschung European Space Research Organization (ESTEC);
    Europäische Organisation für Satellitenübertragungen European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT);
    Europäische Organisation zur Sicherung der Luftfahrt European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation;
    Europäische Organisation für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC);
    Europäisches Parlament (EP) European Parliament (EP);
    Europäisches Patentamt European Patent Office;
    Europäische Patentorganisation European Patent Organization;
    Europäische Polizeibehörde European police force;
    Europäische Produktivitätszentrale European Productivity Agency (EPA);
    Europäischer Rat European Council;
    Europäische Raumordnungsministerkonferenz European Conference of Regional Planning Ministers;
    Europäische Rechnungseinheit European Unit of Account;
    Europäische Rechnungs- und Währungseinheit European accounting and currency unit;
    Europäischer Rechnungshof European Court of Auditors;
    Europäisches Referenzlabor für Luftverschmutzung European Reference Laboratory on Atmospheric Pullution (ERLAP);
    Europäisches Rundfunkabkommen European Broadcasting Agreement;
    Europäischer Sozialfonds (ESF) European Social Fund (ESF);
    Europäisches Sozialmodell European social model;
    Europäische Sozialvorschriften European social provisions;
    Europäischer Stabilitätspakt Pact on Stability in Europe;
    Europäischer Stellenvermittlungsservice European job placement agency;
    Europäisches Übereinkommen über die obligatorische Haftpflichtversicherung für Kraftfahrzeuge European Convention on compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of motor vehicles;
    Europäische Übereinkunft über die internationale Patentklassifikation European Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Invention;
    Europäische Umweltagentur European Environment Agency;
    Europäisches Umweltzeichen European eco-label;
    Europäische Union (EU) European Union (EU);
    Europäische Verbraucherberatung (Wien) European Consumer Centre;
    Europäische Vereinigung der Finanzmaklergesellschaften European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS);
    Europäische Verkehrsministerkonferenz European Conference of Ministers of Transport;
    Europäische Verteidigungsgemeinschaft (EVG) European Defence Community (EDC);
    Europäisches Währungsabkommen European Monetary Agreement (EMA);
    Europäische Währungseinheit European currency unit (ECU);
    Europäisches Währungsinstitut (EWI) European Monetary Institute (EMI);
    Europäisches Währungssystem (EWS) European Monetary System (EMS);
    Europäische Währungsunion (EWU) European Monetary Union (EMU);
    Europäischer Währungsverbund European currency float;
    Europäisches Wiederaufbauprogramm European Recovery Program(me) (ERP);
    Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft European Economic Community (EEC), Euromarket, European Common Market (Br.);
    der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft beitreten to join the Common Market;
    Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) European Economic Area (EEA);
    Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion European Economic and Monetary Union;
    Europäische Woche für Wissenschaft und Technologie European Science and Technology Week;
    Europäische Zahlungsunion European Payments Union (EPU);
    Europäisches Zentralbankensystem (EZBS) European System of Central Banks (ESCB);
    Europäischr Zentralverband der öffentlichen Wirtschaft European Centre for Public Enterprise (CEEP);
    Europäisches Zentrum für technische und wissenschaftliche Analysen (CSTE) European Technical and Scientific Centre (ETSC);
    Europäische Zollunion European Customs Union;
    Europäisches Zukunftsbild entwerfen to envisage a Europe of the future;
    Europäische Politische Zusammenarbeit (EPZ) European Political Cooperation (EPC);
    Europäische Zusammenarbeit zur Erweiterung des Wissens European cooperation in the pursuit of knowledge.

    Business german-english dictionary > Europäische Agentur für Gesundheitsschutz und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz

  • 7 investigación

    1 investigation, research.
    2 investigation, search, inquiry, probe.
    * * *
    1 (indagación) investigation, enquiry
    2 (estudio) research
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) investigation, inquiry
    * * *
    1) [de accidente, delito] [por la policía] investigation; [por un comité] inquiry
    2) [científica, académica] research

    un trabajo de investigación sobre el barroco — a research project on the baroque, a piece of research on the baroque

    investigación operativa — operational research, operations research

    * * *
    a) (de caso, delito) investigation; ( por comisión especial) inquiry

    llevar a cabo una investigación — to carry out an investigation, to hold an inquiry

    b) (Educ, Med, Tec) research
    2) Investigaciones femenino plural ( en Chi) criminal investigation department
    * * *
    = enquiry [inquiry, -USA], exploration, inquiry [enquiry, -UK], investigation, probe, research, scholarship, line of enquiry, a piece of + research, research activity, research effort, academic study.
    Ex. A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.
    Ex. This section goes no further than the exploration of ideas which are important for the appropriate support of software packages.
    Ex. Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.
    Ex. An improved awareness of existing work should strengthen the foundations of new investigations, and reduce the degree of duplication.
    Ex. From 1985-89, a probe into library services took place into about 7,300 public and school libraries with some 53 million items in stock.
    Ex. Abstracts may be submitted for editing and inclusion in bibliographies and bulletins by staff engaged in research.
    Ex. The most important of the functions of librarians is the collection, preservation and affording access to the materials of scholarship.
    Ex. The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.
    Ex. Part of library legend is now a steel manufacturer's after-dinner statement that if a piece of research cost less than $100,000, it was cheaper to repeat it than to try to find out if it had already been done.
    Ex. Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex. With renewed geologic interest in the Arctic and Antarctic, polar libraries are becoming increasingly important to support the research efforts in these areas.
    Ex. Cyberculture is emerging as an interdisciplinary subject of academic study.
    * ARL (Asociación de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = ARL (Association of Research Libraries).
    * artículo de investigación = research paper, research article, research contribution.
    * ayudante de investigación = research assistant.
    * base de datos de investigación = research database.
    * beca de investigación = research grant.
    * becario de investigación = research grantee, research student.
    * biblioteca de investigación = research library.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas de investigación = research librianship.
    * centro de investigación = research centre, research unit.
    * colaboración en la investigación = cooperative research.
    * colaborador de investigación = research fellow.
    * colección de investigación = research collection.
    * comisión de investigación = commission of enquiry, investigating committee, investigation committee.
    * contribución a la investigación = research contribution.
    * dedicado a la investigación = research-oriented.
    * de investigación = exploratory.
    * departamento de investigación = research unit.
    * documentos producto de investigación = research materials.
    * empresa de investigación = research firm.
    * equipo de investigación = research team.
    * estrategia de investigación = research strategy.
    * frente de investigación = research front.
    * grupo de investigación = research group.
    * Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).
    * herramienta de investigación = research tool.
    * informe del resultado de una investigación = research report.
    * iniciar una investigación = launch + investigation.
    * institución de investigación = research institution.
    * instituto de investigación = research institute.
    * instituto para la investigación y el desarrollo = research and development institute.
    * investigación-acción = action research.
    * investigación aplicada = action research.
    * investigación biomédica = biomedical research.
    * investigación científica = academic research, scientific research, scientific enquiry, scholarly research.
    * investigación clínica = clinical research.
    * investigación cooperativa = cooperative research.
    * investigación criminal = criminal investigation.
    * investigación cualitativa = qualitative research.
    * investigación cuantitativa = quantitative research.
    * investigación de campo = intervention research, field research.
    * investigación de despacho = desk research.
    * investigación de mercado = market research, consumer research.
    * investigación educativa = educational research.
    * investigación empírica = empirical research.
    * investigación en biblioteconomía y documentación = library and information science research.
    * investigación en biblioteconomía = library research.
    * investigación en biomedicina = biomedical research.
    * investigación en ciencias de la documentación = information science research.
    * investigación en colaboración = collaborative research.
    * investigación en documentación = information science research.
    * investigación en educación = educational research.
    * investigación en equipo = team research.
    * investigación en medicina = medical research.
    * investigaciones = research evidence.
    * investigaciones, las = research literature, literature of research.
    * investigaciones operativas = operations research.
    * investigación genética = genetic research.
    * investigación histórica = historical research.
    * investigación industrial = industrial research.
    * investigación mediante sondeos = survey research.
    * investigación médica = medical research.
    * investigación operativa = operational research.
    * investigación para la creación de innovaciones = innovation research.
    * investigación pedagógica = educational research.
    * investigación y desarrollo (I+D) = research and development (R&D).
    * línea de investigación = line of enquiry, line of research, line of enquiry, research front, avenue (for/of) research, research avenue, avenue of investigation, research line.
    * línea de investigación futura = avenue (for/of) future research.
    * línea de investigación posible = avenue for further research.
    * metodología de investigación = research methodology.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * periodismo de investigación = investigative reporting, investigative journalism.
    * permiso sabático para dedicarse a la investigación = research leave.
    * producción científica de investigación = research literature.
    * programa de investigación = research agenda.
    * propuesta de proyecto de investigación = research proposal.
    * protocolo de investigación = research protocol.
    * proyecto de investigación = research project, research initiative.
    * realizar una investigación = carry out + research, conduct + investigation, conduct + research, do + research, undertake + investigation, undertake + research.
    * Red Informativa de las Bibliotecas de Investigación en USA = RLIN.
    * rendimiento en la investigación = research performance.
    * revista de investigación = research periodical.
    * RLG (Grupo de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = RLG (Research Libraries Group).
    * técnica de investigación = research technique.
    * tema de investigación = area of enquiry [area of inquiry], research question, research topic.
    * trabajo de investigación = investigative work, research paper, research work.
    * visita por motivos de investigación = research trip, research visit.
    * visita por razones de investigación = research trip, research visit.
    * * *
    a) (de caso, delito) investigation; ( por comisión especial) inquiry

    llevar a cabo una investigación — to carry out an investigation, to hold an inquiry

    b) (Educ, Med, Tec) research
    2) Investigaciones femenino plural ( en Chi) criminal investigation department
    * * *
    = enquiry [inquiry, -USA], exploration, inquiry [enquiry, -UK], investigation, probe, research, scholarship, line of enquiry, a piece of + research, research activity, research effort, academic study.

    Ex: A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.

    Ex: This section goes no further than the exploration of ideas which are important for the appropriate support of software packages.
    Ex: Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.
    Ex: An improved awareness of existing work should strengthen the foundations of new investigations, and reduce the degree of duplication.
    Ex: From 1985-89, a probe into library services took place into about 7,300 public and school libraries with some 53 million items in stock.
    Ex: Abstracts may be submitted for editing and inclusion in bibliographies and bulletins by staff engaged in research.
    Ex: The most important of the functions of librarians is the collection, preservation and affording access to the materials of scholarship.
    Ex: The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.
    Ex: Part of library legend is now a steel manufacturer's after-dinner statement that if a piece of research cost less than $100,000, it was cheaper to repeat it than to try to find out if it had already been done.
    Ex: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
    Ex: With renewed geologic interest in the Arctic and Antarctic, polar libraries are becoming increasingly important to support the research efforts in these areas.
    Ex: Cyberculture is emerging as an interdisciplinary subject of academic study.
    * ARL (Asociación de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = ARL (Association of Research Libraries).
    * artículo de investigación = research paper, research article, research contribution.
    * ayudante de investigación = research assistant.
    * base de datos de investigación = research database.
    * beca de investigación = research grant.
    * becario de investigación = research grantee, research student.
    * biblioteca de investigación = research library.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en las bibliotecas de investigación = research librianship.
    * centro de investigación = research centre, research unit.
    * colaboración en la investigación = cooperative research.
    * colaborador de investigación = research fellow.
    * colección de investigación = research collection.
    * comisión de investigación = commission of enquiry, investigating committee, investigation committee.
    * contribución a la investigación = research contribution.
    * dedicado a la investigación = research-oriented.
    * de investigación = exploratory.
    * departamento de investigación = research unit.
    * documentos producto de investigación = research materials.
    * empresa de investigación = research firm.
    * equipo de investigación = research team.
    * estrategia de investigación = research strategy.
    * frente de investigación = research front.
    * grupo de investigación = research group.
    * Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).
    * herramienta de investigación = research tool.
    * informe del resultado de una investigación = research report.
    * iniciar una investigación = launch + investigation.
    * institución de investigación = research institution.
    * instituto de investigación = research institute.
    * instituto para la investigación y el desarrollo = research and development institute.
    * investigación-acción = action research.
    * investigación aplicada = action research.
    * investigación biomédica = biomedical research.
    * investigación científica = academic research, scientific research, scientific enquiry, scholarly research.
    * investigación clínica = clinical research.
    * investigación cooperativa = cooperative research.
    * investigación criminal = criminal investigation.
    * investigación cualitativa = qualitative research.
    * investigación cuantitativa = quantitative research.
    * investigación de campo = intervention research, field research.
    * investigación de despacho = desk research.
    * investigación de mercado = market research, consumer research.
    * investigación educativa = educational research.
    * investigación empírica = empirical research.
    * investigación en biblioteconomía y documentación = library and information science research.
    * investigación en biblioteconomía = library research.
    * investigación en biomedicina = biomedical research.
    * investigación en ciencias de la documentación = information science research.
    * investigación en colaboración = collaborative research.
    * investigación en documentación = information science research.
    * investigación en educación = educational research.
    * investigación en equipo = team research.
    * investigación en medicina = medical research.
    * investigaciones = research evidence.
    * investigaciones, las = research literature, literature of research.
    * investigaciones operativas = operations research.
    * investigación genética = genetic research.
    * investigación histórica = historical research.
    * investigación industrial = industrial research.
    * investigación mediante sondeos = survey research.
    * investigación médica = medical research.
    * investigación operativa = operational research.
    * investigación para la creación de innovaciones = innovation research.
    * investigación pedagógica = educational research.
    * investigación y desarrollo (I+D) = research and development (R&D).
    * línea de investigación = line of enquiry, line of research, line of enquiry, research front, avenue (for/of) research, research avenue, avenue of investigation, research line.
    * línea de investigación futura = avenue (for/of) future research.
    * línea de investigación posible = avenue for further research.
    * metodología de investigación = research methodology.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * periodismo de investigación = investigative reporting, investigative journalism.
    * permiso sabático para dedicarse a la investigación = research leave.
    * producción científica de investigación = research literature.
    * programa de investigación = research agenda.
    * propuesta de proyecto de investigación = research proposal.
    * protocolo de investigación = research protocol.
    * proyecto de investigación = research project, research initiative.
    * realizar una investigación = carry out + research, conduct + investigation, conduct + research, do + research, undertake + investigation, undertake + research.
    * Red Informativa de las Bibliotecas de Investigación en USA = RLIN.
    * rendimiento en la investigación = research performance.
    * revista de investigación = research periodical.
    * RLG (Grupo de Bibliotecas de Investigación) = RLG (Research Libraries Group).
    * técnica de investigación = research technique.
    * tema de investigación = area of enquiry [area of inquiry], research question, research topic.
    * trabajo de investigación = investigative work, research paper, research work.
    * visita por motivos de investigación = research trip, research visit.
    * visita por razones de investigación = research trip, research visit.

    * * *
    1 (de un caso, un delito) investigation
    30 agentes trabajan en la investigación del caso Torosa 30 officers are investigating the Torosa case
    la policía ha abierto una investigación sobre el caso the police have started o opened o launched an investigation into the case
    el senador exige que se lleve a cabo una investigación the senator is demanding an inquiry o an investigation
    2 ( Educ, Med, Tec) research
    investigación científica scientific research
    realizó una investigación sobre esta terapia he carried out research into o a study of this therapy
    tests to establish paternity (pl)
    market research
    operations research
    research and development
    B Investigaciones fpl (en Chi) criminal investigation department
    * * *


    investigación sustantivo femenino
    a) (de caso, delito) investigation;

    ( por comisión especial) inquiry
    b) (Educ, Med, Tec) research;

    investigación de mercados market research
    investigación sustantivo femenino
    1 (pesquisa, indagación) investigation
    2 (estudio riguroso) research
    ' investigación' also found in these entries:
    - beca
    - Cesid
    - consejo
    - escrupulosa
    - escrupuloso
    - estancar
    - estancada
    - estancado
    - estudio
    - exhaustiva
    - exhaustivo
    - F.B.I
    - puntera
    - puntero
    - relevante
    - rigurosa
    - riguroso
    - someterse
    - terrena
    - terreno
    - abrir
    - archivar
    - centrar
    - cuidadoso
    - dedicar
    - destinar
    - detenido
    - dirigir
    - encuesta
    - examen
    - expediente
    - fondo
    - fruto
    - hacer
    - meticuloso
    - minucioso
    - objeto
    - potenciar
    - realizar
    - appropriate
    - behind
    - bureau
    - CID
    - compass
    - consumer research
    - diligent
    - enquiry
    - fellowship
    - full-scale
    - grant
    - hush-hush
    - in-house
    - inquest
    - inquiry
    - institute
    - investigation
    - province
    - research
    - scope
    - screening
    - survey
    - thorough
    - vet
    - allocate
    - fact
    - investigate
    - line
    - market
    - means
    - narrow
    - probe
    - screen
    - station
    - way
    * * *
    1. [estudio] research;
    estoy haciendo una investigación sobre los incas I'm doing a research project o I'm doing some research on the Incas
    investigación científica scientific research;
    investigación y desarrollo research and development;
    investigación de mercado market research
    2. [indagación] investigation, inquiry;
    la investigación de un atentado the investigation into an attack;
    se ha abierto una investigación sobre el incidente an inquiry o an investigation into the incident has been opened;
    comisión de investigación committee of inquiry
    investigación judicial judicial inquiry
    * * *
    1 policial investigation
    2 EDU, TÉC research;
    investigación genética genetic research
    * * *
    1) encuesta, indagación: investigation, inquiry
    2) : research
    * * *
    1. (policial) investigation
    2. (gubernamental, pública) inquiry [pl. inquiries]
    3. (científica, académica) research

    Spanish-English dictionary > investigación

  • 8 менеджмент

    Українсько-англійський словник > менеджмент

  • 9 Port Wine

       Portugal's most famous wine and leading export takes its name from the city of Oporto or porto, which means "port" or "harbor" in Portuguese. Sometimes described as "the Englishman's wine," port is only one of the many wines produced in continental Portugal and the Atlantic islands. Another noted dessert wine is Madeira wine, which is produced on the island of Madeira. Port wine's history is about as long as that of Madeira wine, but the wine's development is recent compared to that of older table wines and the wines Greeks and Romans enjoyed in ancient Lusitania. During the Roman occupation of the land (ca. 210 BCE-300 CE), wine was being made from vines cultivated in the upper Douro River valley. Favorable climate and soils (schist with granite outcropping) and convenient transportation (on ships down the Douro River to Oporto) were factors that combined with increased wine production in the late 17th century to assist in the birth of port wine as a new product. Earlier names for port wine ( vinho do porto) were descriptive of location ("Wine of the Douro Bank") and how it was transported ("Wine of [Ship] Embarkation").
       Port wine, a sweet, fortified (with brandy) aperitif or dessert wine that was designed as a valuable export product for the English market, was developed first in the 1670s by a unique combination of circumstances and the action of interested parties. Several substantial English merchants who visited Oporto "discovered" that a local Douro wine was much improved when brandy ( aguardente) was added. Fortification prevented the wine from spoiling in a variety of temperatures and on the arduous sea voyages from Oporto to Great Britain. Soon port wine became a major industry of the Douro region; it involved an uneasy alliance between the English merchant-shippers at Oporto and Vila Nova de Gaia, the town across the river from Oporto, where the wine was stored and aged, and the Portuguese wine growers.
       In the 18th century, port wine became a significant element of Britain's foreign imports and of the country's establishment tastes in beverages. Port wine drinking became a hallowed tradition in Britain's elite Oxford and Cambridge Universities' colleges, which all kept port wine cellars. For Portugal, the port wine market in Britain, and later in France, Belgium, and other European countries, became a vital element in the national economy. Trade in port wine and British woolens became the key elements in the 1703 Methuen Treaty between England and Portugal.
       To lessen Portugal's growing economic dependence on Britain, regulate the production and export of the precious sweet wine, and protect the public from poor quality, the Marquis of Pombal instituted various measures for the industry. In 1756, Pombal established the General Company of Viticulture of the Upper Douro to carry out these measures. That same year, he ordered the creation of the first demarcated wine-producing region in the world, the port-wine producing Douro region. Other wine-producing countries later followed this Portuguese initiative and created demarcated wine regions to protect the quality of wine produced and to ensure national economic interests.
       The upper Douro valley region (from Barca d'Alva in Portugal to Barqueiros on the Spanish frontier) produces a variety of wines; only 40 percent of its wines are port wine, whereas 60 percent are table wines. Port wine's alcohol content varies usually between 19 and 22 percent, and, depending on the type, the wine is aged in wooden casks from two to six years and then bottled. Related to port wine's history is the history of Portuguese cork. Beginning in the 17th century, Portuguese cork, which comes from cork trees, began to be used to seal wine bottles to prevent wine from spoiling. This innovation in Portugal helped lead to the development of the cork industry. By the early 20th century, Portugal was the world's largest exporter of cork.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Port Wine

  • 10 Bramah, Joseph

    b. 2 April 1749 Stainborough, Yorkshire, England
    d. 9 December 1814 Pimlico, London, England
    English inventor of the second patented water-closet, the beer-engine, the Bramah lock and, most important, the hydraulic press.
    Bramah was the son of a tenant farmer and was educated at the village school before being apprenticed to a local carpenter, Thomas Allot. He walked to London c.1773 and found work with a Mr Allen that included the repair of some of the comparatively rare water-closets of the period. He invented and patented one of his own, which was followed by a water cock in 1783. His next invention, a greatly improved lock, involved the devising of a number of special machine tools, for it was one of the first devices involving interchangeable components in its manufacture. In this he had the help of Henry Maudslay, then a young and unknown engineer, who became Bramah's foreman before setting up business on his own. In 1784 he moved his premises from Denmark Street, St Giles, to 124 Piccadilly, which was later used as a showroom when he set up a factory in Pimlico. He invented an engine for putting out fires in 1785 and 1793, in effect a reciprocating rotary-vane pump. He undertook the refurbishment and modernization of Norwich waterworks c.1793, but fell out with Robert Mylne, who was acting as Consultant to the Norwich Corporation and had produced a remarkably vague specification. This was Bramah's only venture into the field of civil engineering.
    In 1797 he acted as an expert witness for Hornblower \& Maberley in the patent infringement case brought against them by Boulton and Watt. Having been cut short by the judge, he published his proposed evidence in "Letter to the Rt Hon. Sir James Eyre, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas…etc". In 1795 he was granted his most important patent, based on Pascal's Hydrostatic Paradox, for the hydraulic press which also incorporated the concept of hydraulics for the transmission of both power and motion and was the foundation of the whole subsequent hydraulic industry. There is no truth in the oft-repeated assertion originating from Samuel Smiles's Industrial Biography (1863) that the hydraulic press could not be made to work until Henry Maudslay invented the self-sealing neck leather. Bramah used a single-acting upstroking ram, sealed only at its base with a U-leather. There was no need for a neck leather.
    He also used the concept of the weight-loaded, in this case as a public-house beer-engine. He devised machinery for carbonating soda water. The first banknote-numbering machine was of his design and was bought by the Bank of England. His development of a machine to cut twelve nibs from one goose quill started a patent specification which ended with the invention of the fountain pen, patented in 1809. His coach brakes were an innovation that was followed bv a form of hydropneumatic carriage suspension that was somewhat in advance of its time, as was his patent of 1812. This foresaw the introduction of hydraulic power mains in major cities and included the telescopic ram and the air-loaded accumulator.
    In all Joseph Bramah was granted eighteen patents. On 22 March 1813 he demonstrated a hydraulic machine for pulling up trees by the roots in Hyde Park before a large crowd headed by the Duke of York. Using the same machine in Alice Holt Forest in Hampshire to fell timber for ships for the Navy, he caught a chill and died soon after at his home in Pimlico.
    1778, British patent no. 1177 (water-closet). 1784, British patent no. 1430 (Bramah Lock). 1795, British patent no. 2045 (hydraulic press). 1809, British patent no. 3260 (fountain pen). 1812, British patent no. 3611.
    Further Reading
    I.McNeil, 1968, Joseph Bramah, a Century of Invention.
    S.Smiles, 1863, Industrial Biography.
    H.W.Dickinson, 1942, "Joseph Bramah and his inventions", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 22:169–86.

    Biographical history of technology > Bramah, Joseph

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